“To wash or not to wash, ‘tis the question!” I’ve seen this come up a few times and I just wanted to share my findings. I live in a dry environment. There’s a couple techniques I have seen, this is one cup of dollar store hydrogen peroxide per 5 gallon bucket of tap water. You can also do 1/2 cup baking soda plus 1/2 cup lemon juice, or both with a clean water rinse. Other ways? The one on the left was washed, the one on the right was not. I expected a spore print on the agar (cheap by the pound at health food stores, 1tsp/100ml water boiled)in the petri dishes(eBay, cheap), instead I got a jungle of mold. I personally will always wash my harvest from now on. This being a dry climate, I cannot imagine how many molds there would be in a moist climate. It barely sprinkled once where I am in NorCal. Next year I’m going to use Hydrogen peroxide in a pump sprayer weekly on my plants just as a preventative. Whether you see it or not, this stuff can’t be good to smoke. Cured and dry test in process. Wanted to see fresh ‘n wet.